2 Results Of The Civil War

ResultsThe most obvious constitutional result of the Civil War was the adoption of three landmark constitutional amendments. The 13th ended slavery forever in the United States, while the 14th made all persons born in the United States (including the former slaves) citizens of the nation and prohibited the states from denying anyone the privileges and immunities of American citizenship, due process or law, or equal protection of the law. Finally, the 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, prohibited the states from denying the franchise to anyone based on “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

2 Effects Of The English Civil War


2 Results Of The Civil War In Ireland


What Is The Civil War

Reasons and Results of the Civil War The Civil War was a very critical event in American History. It started by many disagreements between the North and the South. For blacks as for other Americans, the Civil War was a strong voice preaching the needs for devotion and allegiance to form a justified nation. The 1864 United States presidential election, the 20th quadrennial presidential election, was held on Tuesday, November 8, 1864.In the midst of the American Civil War, incumbent President Abraham Lincoln of the National Union Party easily defeated the Democratic nominee, former General George B. McClellan, by a wide margin of 212–21 in the electoral college, with 55% of the popular vote.

American Civil War Result

  • If you are talking about the American Civil War then the two key results were: The 13th and 14th amendments to the American Constitution.
  • Johnson & Johnson Releases Efficacy Results of Vaccine Candidate. And multiply the usual brutality of war by ten when it’s a civil war. There are two Civil War II scenarios, and the left is.
  • By WorldTribune Staff, October 2, 2020. More than 60 percent of Americans in a new survey said they believe the nation is on the verge of civil war. And 52 percent are already preparing for such a.