I Occasionally Also

I also hope that I am occasionally involved in projects that touch other people in ways that make their lives a little better, more interesting for the moment that makes them think. I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding. New Living Translation Well then, what shall I do? I will pray in the spirit, and I will also pray in words I understand. I will sing in the spirit, and I will also sing in words I understand. Flagellation was occasionally practised as a means of salvation by certain Jansenist convulsionaries in the 18th century, and also, towards the end of the 18th century, by a little Jansenist sect known as the Fareinists, founded by the brothers Bonjour, cures of Fareins, near Trevoux (Ain). There are also laws protecting against retaliation based on union or concerted activity. These laws don’t protect you from an employer who might fire you because of your political beliefs. Most employees of private companies do not have legal protection against discrimination based on political affiliation or activity. Thank you so much for your reply. I have only taken 3 in the past month to be honest. Just was a little worried about getting them again as they worked so well. I know sometimes they are reluctant to give you any more.

19 Sep 2014 by MissRoss
20 September 2014
valium, anxiety, diazepam

I have just started taking 2mg of Valium and found it works well for the times when I need it. I am a little anxious about being able to get it for as long as I need it ? Thank you.

balbanese19 Sep 2014

What is the instruction from the Dr? Should not be a problem getting a refill yet, it's not clear 'when I need it' does that mean taking less than prescribed, or more?

MissRoss19 Sep 2014

I just take them very occasionally for appointments ! Less than prescribed. Thank you for your reoly

balbanese19 Sep 2014

Well, that's fine. I would think many use it that way, myself included. That said, shouldn't be any problem getting a refill just to long as too much time doesn't go by, say more than 60 days.

I Occasionally Also

I Occasionally Also Meaning

MissRoss19 Sep 2014

Thank so much I will be sure to get a repeat prescription in good time.

balbanese21 Sep 2014

You are very welcome. It's refreshing to hear from someone who is using and not abusing.

DzooBaby19 Sep 2014

As long as you are not taking more than what is prescribed, it shouldnt be a problem. 2mg is a tiny dose but if you take it more often than you should or take more tablets than prescribed, you can run into trouble but as long as you stick to taking no more than prescribed, you shouldnt have any problems. The Dr will refuse to refill only if he thinks you are developing a 'problem'.

MissRoss19 Sep 2014

Thank you so much for your reply. I have only taken 3 in the past month to be honest. Just was a little worried about getting them again as they worked so well. I know sometimes they are reluctant to give you any more. Thanks again.

I Occasionally Also I Am

DzooBaby20 Sep 2014

You are using them very sparingly then so it shouldnt be a problem but yes, Valium is a drug they are a little reluctant to prescribe but it is because it is so habit forming. If you dont use them too often, I dont think you will have a problem but it is really up to your Dr.

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