Plots Define

Engineers routinely use Bode plots(1) to determine the bandwidth and frequency stability of voltage-gain op amp circuits. A Bode plot provides a visual representation of an op amp’s transfer response and its potential stability. More-over, such plots define the circuit’s pole and zero locations at the intercepts of the response-curve. Plots synonyms, plots pronunciation, plots translation, English dictionary definition of plots. A small piece of ground, generally used for a. Plot Definition Plot is a sequence of events in a story in which the main character is put into a challenging situation that forces a character to make increasingly difficult choices, driving the story toward a climactic event and resolution. A plot is a secret plan by a group of people to do something that is illegal or wrong, usually against a person or a government. Security forces have uncovered a plot to overthrow the government. Synonyms: plan, scheme, intrigue, conspiracy More.

a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose, especially a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose:
by DroSims October 17, 2019
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Makin babies, gettin yo grind one without a jimmy hat.

Plots Define Economics

Bitch what you doin? U and dude over there bakin-cakes
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Hanging out/ cotching. Having a little jam with a couple of people.
Can be abbreviated to plottin
She's got a freeyard, I know she's not on having a massive party but I wouldn't mind plotting at hers for a bit
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The creation of a horrible plan. People who plot will always refuse to tell any of their plans to their friends. People who plot will often come in pairs, wanting to plot together against their friends and/or partners.
“God damn it, Julia and Violet are plotting again.”
“They scare me. I think we should be concerned.”
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Definitely different than scheming, you'll know itwhen you see it, just know it definitely looks different than scheming.
Tex: Thats plotting.
Tucker: Maybe they're scheming?
Tex: No, scheming looks different. Thats definitely plotting.

Define Plot's Climax

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(v) When a large group of young people all park their cars in an abandoned parking lot, tune into the same radio station, and proceed to have a dance party. From the word 'plot', short for 'parking lot'
'You comin' plotting this weekend, kid?'
'I don't know why the copsshowed up, all we was doing was plotting'
Plots Define
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When you are too lazy or don't want to watch a movie for any reason, but you want to know what happens and why everyone is talking about it. So you decide to go on Wikipedia and read the movie's Plot.
This can also be applied to books, TV series, etc.

Example Of A Plot

Guy 1: I saw Super 8 last night, it sucked.
Guy 2: I know!
Guy 1: Have you seen it?
Guy 2: No, but I've plotted it.
Guy 1: Gotta love plotting, I wouldn't have wasted my money on that movie ticket.
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Feb 1 trending

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