Q Quotes James Bond

James Bond 007: From Russia with Love is a third-person shooter video game developed by EA Redwood Shores and published by Electronic Arts featuring Ian Fleming's secret agent, James Bond, whose likeness and voice is that of Sean Connery, who returns to the role 23 years after Never Say Never Again. The game is based on the 1957 novel and the film of the same name. It follows the storyline of the book and film, with adding in new scenes to make the game more action-oriented, as well as changing the affiliation of the main villains.

Q Quotes James Bond

Includes quotes by James Bond, Kerim Bey, Morenzy, Tatiana Romanova, Blofeld, Rosa Klebb, Kronsteen and M. 1964 - Goldfinger. A collection of some of the best quotes from the 3rd film in the James Bond series, Goldfinger. Includes quotes by James Bond, Q, Auric Goldfinger, Pussy Galore, Jill Masterson, Miss Moneypenny, Colonel Smithers, Mei-Lei. Bond has been quipping since 1962, so we thought we'd compile our favorite (and what we think are the best) one-liners into one video. Enjoy!End screen music. James Bond: Oh, no! Bond talks to Q through his earpiece James Bond: Q, he’s gone. Bond sees the Silva has escaped into the underground catacombs beneath the cell through the maintenance hatch, Bond starts climbing down it James Bond: I’m on a stairwell below isolation. Do you read me, Q? Q: I can hear you. I’m looking for you.

Directed by Stephen Barry and Michael Condrey. Written by Bruce Feirstein.


Waiter: May I help you?
James Bond: [face unseen] A dry martini. [turns] Shaken not stirred.
Waiter: Certainly, Commander Bond.
James Bond: Where is the girl?
Waiter: Elizabeth Stark, the Prime Minister's youngest daughter, received word half an hour ago there might be another kidnapping attempt.
James Bond: She doesn't appear concerned.
Waiter: Why should she be? With 007 here to protect her.

”Red wine to fish I would have understand that something was wrong”-James Bond

OCTOPUS Member: Too bad. The game is over, Mr. Bond. [fires]
James Bond: I think it's just begun.

Best James Bond Movies Ranked

after Bond saves the Prime Minister's daughter.
Elizabeth Stark: Who are you?
James Bond: The name is Bond. James Bond.
after Red Grant kills the fake Bond.
Rosa Klebb: Record time, Mr. Grant. You are indeed the killer I'm looking for.
Red Grant: When do I get to kill the real James Bond?
Rosa Klebb: After he steals from the Russian's their new Lektor decoding machine.
Klebb hands Grant a file.
Red Grant: And Bond is going to do it for us?
Rosa Klebb: We assume that's who MI6 will send. There is a girl in the Russian consulate in Istanbul, Tatiana Romanova, who I've ordered to help. She believes I am still with KGB.
Red Grant: Won't MI6 suspect it's a trap?
Rosa Klebb: My reading of the British mentality is that they always see a trap as a challenge, and then you can avenge the death of our Dr. No. Let Bond's death be a particularly unpleasant and humiliating one.
Red Grant: I look forward to it.
James Bond: And for my next miracle.
Miss Moneypenny: You're going to need a miracle, James, to explain where you've been all week.
James Bond: Oh, Moneypenny, let me tell you the secret of the world.
M: You'll have time for that later, 007. Step into my office immediately.
Q: Good morning, 007.
James Bond: Good morning, Q. How have you been? Busy inventing things?
Q: Not as busy as you've been destroying them. Follow me, 007, and try not to break anything.
Q: Congratulations, 007. Your training is complete. Now use this device to get yourself to Istanbul.
James Bond: An airline ticket. How genius.
Q: I expect you to return my equipment along with the Elector device in pristine condition.
James Bond: I'll bring it back. From Russia with love.
Kerim Bey: [exiting the classic Aston Martin DB5] James my friend, how nice to see you.
James Bond: Kerim Bey. It's been too long. [they shake hands. Looks at the car] Interesting car. Limited edition?
Kerim Bey: Your man Q sent it ahead. Warned me not to touch any of the buttons.
James Bond: You were wise to take his advice otherwise you might not live to regret it.
Kerim Bey: Come. They're waiting for us at station T.
James Bond: I'll drive.
James Bond: It appears that your truce with the Russians has just ended.
Kerim Bey: But I didn't order an attack.
James Bond: Then who did?
Kerim Bey: I don't know, but the Russians are going to blame us. You best get us out of here.
Kerim Bey: The Emperor Constantine built it as a reservoir sixteen hundred years ago.
James Bond: He drowned his enemies and ex-wives down here too.
Grant and Eva Adara enter.
Rosa Klebb: Do you have news of the Krilencu situation?
Red Grant: It's soon to end. Bond is on his trail. Krilencu will not be able to protect the Lektor after tonight.
Rosa Klebb: Perfect.
Tatiana Romanova: You look just like your photograph.
James Bond: You look even better than yours.
Tatiana Romanova: Thank you, but I think my mouth is too big.
James Bond: No. It's the right size, for me that is.
they kiss.
Red Grant: [personating himself as Captain Nash] Can I borrow a match?
James Bond: I use a lighter. [holds out a lighter]
Red Grant: Better still.
James Bond: [turns off the lighter] Until they go wrong.
Red Grant: [threatening Bond with a rifle] The first bullet won't kill you, nor the second, not even the third. Not until you get over here and kiss my foot!
James Bond: Tell me, which lunatic asylum did they get you out of?
Red Grant: The great James Bond. I killed your friend Kerim Bey. Your next.


Featuring likeness and voices of:
  • Sean Connery - James Bond
  • Peter Renaday - M (likeness of Bernard Lee)
  • Karly Rothenberg - Miss Moneypenny (likeness of Lois Maxwell)/ Rosa Klebb (likeness of Lotte Lenya)
  • Philip Proctor - Q (likeness of Desmond Llewelyn)
  • Kari Wahlgren - Tatiana Romanova (likeness of Daniela Bianchi)
  • JB Blanc - Kerim Bey (likeness of Pedro Armendáriz)
  • Brian McCole - Red Grant (likeness of Robert Shaw)
  • Natasha Bedingfield - Elizabeth Stark
  • Maria Menounos - Eva Adara

External links[edit]

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Scarra [raising a glass]: To Death!
Bond [before opening fire]: Bottoms up.

[In response to Bond's minimalist apartment.]
Moneypenny: Have you just moved in?
Bond: No.
Moneypenny: Well I like what you've done with the place.

M [Judi Dench]: I need you to do something for me, 007. Find a man called Marco Scarra. Kill him, and don't miss the funeral.

Bond: I heard a name in Mexico: the Pale King.
Moneypenny: You want me to be your mole.
Bond: Yes.
Moneypenny: And what makes you think you can trust me?
Bond: Instinct.

Tanner: Q wasn't exactly feeling at home in Whitehall given the current merger, so he set up shop here, away from prying eyes.

Q: You may feel a small...
Bond: Christ!
Q: ...prick.

Q [Handing Bond a watch]: You can have this.
Bond: Does it do anything?
Q: It tells the time. Might help with your punctuality issues.

Bond: Q, now you know exactly where I am, all of the time, can you do me a favour?
Q: What do you have in mind exactly?
Bond: Make me disappear.
Q: May I remind you I answer directly to M, and have a mortgage to pay, and two cats to feed.

M: It's not your birthday, is it?
Moneypenny: No...
M: Oh, good. [Leaves.]
Moneypenny: ...that was last week.

Bond: I am sorry for your loss.
Lucia: You knew my husband?
Bond: All too briefly.
Lucia: What do you do?
Bond: Life insurance.

Lucia: All you buy me is five minutes.
Bond: Excellent. Time for a drink.

Lucia: If you don't leave now, we'll die together.
Bond: I can think of worse ways to go.
Lucia: Then you're obviously crazy, Mr...
Bond: Bond, James Bond.

Bond: Buona fortuna, Donna Lucia.

Oberhauser: Welcome, James. It's been a long time but finally here we are. What took you so long? Cuckoo!

Moneypenny: It's call life. You should try it some time.

Bond: Come on Q, give me something.... [Spotting the ejector seat] Okay, here goes nothing.

C: Together we are a global power...
M [quietly, to Tanner]: An unelected one.

Bond: It wasn't MI6, it was Rome. Your team, not mine.

Mr. White: You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond. So long!

M: A licence to kill is also a licence not to kill.

Madeleine: Do you drink?
Bond: Too much.

Madeleine: What is your occupation?
Bond: Well that's not the sort of thing that looks good on a form.

Inspirational James Bond Quotes

Bond: Vodka martini, shaken not stirred.
Bartender: I'm sorry we don't serve alcohol here.

Q: I really, really hate you right now.
Bond: Thank you, Q.

Madeleine: Why should I trust you?
Bond: Because, right now, Dr. Swann, I am you best chance of staying alive.

Bond: This organisation, do you know what it's called?
Q: No.
Madeleine: Spectre. It's name is Spectre.

Bond [to Madeleine of her father]: The man I met should have been dead weeks ago, the only reason his heart was still beating was you.

Madeleine: Come anywhere near me and I'll kill you.
Bond: I don't doubt it.

Madeleine: Two Jameses, lucky me.

Bond [to the rat]: Who are you working for?

Madeleine: I'm coming with you. Bond: No you're not. I like you alive.

C: It's not personal, its the future, and... you're not.
M: You're a cocky little bastard aren't you?

Madeleine: You shouldn't stare. Bond: Well, you shouldn't look like that.

Q Quotes James Bond

Madeleine: Why, given every other possible option, does a man choose the life of a paid assassin? Bond: Well, it was that or the priesthood.

Hinx [first and last words]: Shit.

Madeleine [after dispatching with Hinx]: What do we do now?

Oberhauser: The Kartenhoff, the oldest in human possession. The very meteorite which made this crater. Think about it: so many years up there, alone, silent, building momentum until it chose to make its mark on Earth. A huge unstoppable force.
Bond: Except it did stop, didn't it? Right here.

Madeleine: What is this place?
Oberhauser: Information.

Bond: I came here to kill you.
Oberhauser: I thought you came here to die.
Bond: Well, it's a matter of perspective.

M: It's the fate of glass to break; well maybe its the fate of spies to just disappear.

Jatt James Bond Full Movie

Bond: Visionaries; psychiatric wards are full of them.

Oberhauser: It was me, James.... The author of all your pain.

Oberhauser: The things that bring people together. Out of horror, beauty.

Oberhauser: This brief moment, between life and death, there was nobody inside his skull. Most odd.

Oberhauser: You know what happens when a cuckoo hatches inside another bird's nest?
Madeleine: Yes, it forces the other eggs out.

Oberhauser: Franz Oberhauser died twenty years ago, James. In an avalanche alongside his father. The man you're talking to now, the man inside your head, is Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

Madeleine [to Bond]: I love you.
Oberhauser: Do those blue eyes still recognise you?
Bond: I'd recognise you [Madeleine] anywhere.

Madeleine: I can't go back to this life and I can't ask you to change.
Bond: You're saying goodbye.

M: Not a good feeling being watched, is it?
C: Don't tell me you're responsible for this.
M: No, but my quartermaster is and he's extremely talented.
C: Oh, bravo. But in case you hadn't realised it, you two are out of a job so you're trespassing.
M: I'm afraid you've got the wrong end of the stick, Max. We're going to stop this system going online, and then I'm going to bring you in.
C: On what grounds, exactly?
M: Poor taste in friends.

Q In Bond Movies

C: Take a look at the world: chaos. Because people like you, paper-pushers and politicians, are too spineless to do what needs to be done, I made an alliance to put the power where it should be, and now you want to throw it away for the sake of democracy, whatever the hell that is. How predictably moronic. But then isn't that what 'M' stands for: 'moron'?
M: And now we know what 'C' stands for: 'careless'.

Bond: You're a hard man to kill, Blofeld. Ouch, I do hope that doesn't hurt to much. Oberhauser: My wounds will heal, what about yours?

C: Why can't you just face it, M? You don't matter any more.
M: Maybe I don't, but something has to.

Bond: Do you trust me? Madeleine: Do I have a choice?

Spectre (2015)

More Spectre (2015)

SPECTRE (2015) is the new James Bond film and the 24th in the series. It will be the fourth outing for Daniel Craig as 007, and the second film to be directed by Sam Mendes from a screenplay by John Logan, Neal Purvis & Robert Wade. The new MI6 team of Ralph Fiennes (M), Naomie Harris (Moneypenny), Rory Kinnear (Tanner) and Ben Whishaw (Q) are all reprising their roles. The cast will include Lea Seydoux, Dave Bautista, Andrew Scott and Christoph Waltz. Production commences on December 8th 2014, with location work as early as 5th January 2015 in Austria. The film will also shoot on location in: Erfoud and Tangier, Morocco; Rome, Italy and Mexico City, Mexico. SPECTRE is scheduled for release on 7th November 2015.

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